
Miscellanous Papers Session 4: Religion in Europe and beyond: Contemporary Issues.

Miscellanous Papers Session 3: Responses and resistances to religious diversity.

Miscellaneous Papers Session 2. Religious Commitment – causes, effects and contexts.

Miscellaneous Papers SESSION 1 Religion, Gender and Power

New Uses, Old Places: The Transformations of Religious Buildings in Contemporary Europe

L’utilisation (dé)sacralisée de la transe dans nos sociétés contemporaines occidentales / The (de)sacralized use of trance in our contemporary Western societies

From Soviet past to Facebook present: Actual issues of religiosity in Central and Eastern Europe

Plenary 1

Plenary 2

Indigenous and Creole peoples in the face of disasters: resilience and transformative continuities / Les peuples autochtones et créoles face aux catastrophes : résilience et continuités transformatives 2